11th ACCA Asia Pacific Thought Leadership Forum
Accelerating Transformational Journeys – Five years in five months (23 March 2022)
The world is experiencing faster-than-expected change in the face of Covid-19, climate emergency and technological innovations. To survive turbulent market conditions, many organisations forcibly made changes to processes and applications. This acceleration of the existing transformation agenda brings into even sharper focus the imperative of having the right data and technology, facilitating efficient processes overseen by appropriate personnel with skills and knowledge. The speed of adopting these changes were so quick that we can use the classic phrase of ‘five years in five months’ to describe it.
For the upcoming webinar, we are pleased to invite Clive Webb, Senior Insights Manager from ACCA to present some of the key findings from the recent Professional Insights Report published by ACCA, CA ANZ and Generation CFO – Transformational journeys: finance in an agile world. The report considers how transformation is fundamental to the survival of organisations and how finance professionals should play an important role throughout the process. Transformation is not just about technology; it is about organisational culture and in a world of iterative change being a willing player is essential. The transformation itself is transforming - no longer is it driven by large scale projects, rather it is on-going activities with value at their core, not cost-benefit.
The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion which will explore on the role data and technology plays in transformation; where ESG fits in for organsiations addressing transformation; and how we find the balance in different priorities to complete, reconciling the speed and perfection, embracing agility with no plans, and developing capabilities during transformation.
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