16th Asia Pacific Thought Leadership Forum
——Accounting for Society's Value
This may be an extreme statement – however of all the components of the ESG agenda the "S" is less well defined but increasingly more important to organisations. The agenda itself is broad and includes many aspects of well-being, inclusion and equity. Finance leaders are increasingly responsible for organisation wide human capital issues – as such it is appropriate and timely to explore this subject and how it impacts organisation.
You are invited to join our upcoming 16th ACCA Asia Pacific Thought Leadership Forum that will highlight key findings from ACCA's Accounting for Society's Values report which will be released on 20 June 2023. Followed by a panel session which will explore the social dimension of the 'just transition' and aim to establish:
What should be covered as part of the 'S' agenda?
What is the organisation's role in this agenda?
The key role that our profession needs to play in furthering this agenda
How to develop strategies to address the social agenda and the guidance available?
The relevance of the reporting requirements that many organisations are now starting to be required to embrace; and
How organisational performance now needs to be addressed on a more holistic basis?
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