为帮助广大学员、准会员、会员更快通过EPSM模块考核以及get职场必备软技能,3月26日周二晚7点半,ACCAACCA北京特邀英国总部参与EPSM课程开发的专家Trevor Garriock做客直播间,为大家详细讲解ACCA全新职业道德与专业技能模块的研发始末和2019更新重点。欢迎广大正在备考或求职阶段的学员、准会员、会员朋友报名参加~
Time: 19:30-20:30, 26 Mar 2019
Language: English
Type: webinar
CPD: 1 unit
*EPSM Introduction and background
*The 3Es of the ACCA qualification
*Relevance of EPSM for students, affiliates and membes
*New content for 2019
Trevor Garriock Head of Specialist Solutions (Professional Qualifications) ACCA Trevor leads a team of educational experts focused on delivering solutions for a range of stakeholders within the accountancy profession. His remit includes working on donor funded capacity building projects, providing educational input into ACCA’s recognition projects and developing new educational products to fill specific skills gaps. Trevor has a background in audit and professional education. He has worked within the big 4 in the UK and qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2009 having had a wide range of experience working with clients across the corporate and public sectors. He developed a strong interest for professional education whilst studying accountancy and moved into an educational role with an international learning provider to pursue this interest in 2011. He soon moved into a programme leadership role, devising educational solutions for key clients, experience which has served him well in his role at ACCA. |
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