2018年9月,全新的战略专业阶段将引入“战略商业领袖”(Strategic Business Leader “SBL”)科目从而取代现阶段的P1 和P3 科目的考试。这就意味着2018年6月将成为学员冲刺P1和P3 科目的最后一次机会。在新的考试政策下,唯有同时通过P1和P3科目的考试才能免除新科目的考核。
今天距离2017年6月P3考试(6月8日)仅有17天了,为了更好地帮助学员成功通过考试,我们特别邀请到了ACCA白金级认可培训机构SUNWAY的资深讲师Mr. Dinesh Ramadas做为期两天的串讲课程。这位老师非同寻常,他曾经带出过1位ACCA P3全球第一和8位马来西亚地区第一!他也是我们ACCA中国区教育事务主管的P3老师奥!倾情推荐,不容错过!
Part 1 - Strategic position I: https://v.qq.com/x/page/a0504ew92yt.html
Part 2 - Strategic position II: https://v.qq.com/x/page/j0504p7w17d.html
Part 3 - Strategic choice I: http://v.qq.com/x/page/l0504t0kbmg.html
Part 4:Strategic choice II: https://v.qq.com/x/page/s050404b6mb.html
Part 5:Strategic action I: https://v.qq.com/x/page/k0504loyfg3.html
Part 6:Strategic action II: https://v.qq.com/x/page/i0504xcp9ew.html
Part 7:Strategic action III: https://v.qq.com/x/page/r0504y8d3cr.html
Part 8:Strategic action IV: https://v.qq.com/x/page/j05048wafhl.html
Part A:战略定位(Strategic Position)
• 企业所处的外部环境(Business environment)
• 企业所具备的战略能力(Strategic capability)
• 利益相关人以及他们对企业的需求(Stakeholder and their expectations)
• 相应战略定位模型的使用
Part B:战略选择(Strategic Choice)
• 公司层面和国际战略(Corporate level and international strategies)
• 业务层面战略(Business level strategies)
• 企业发展的方向和方式(Development of directions and methods)
• 相关战略选择模型的使用
Part C: 战略行动(Strategic Action)
• 企业成功的要素和计量(CSF and KPI)
• 助力企业成功的环节(Enabling success)
• 变化的管理(Managing change)
• 相关战略行动模型的使用
其他的P3 学习资源也是非常重要的奥,尤其是:
• 考试大纲和学习指南(Syllabus and study guide):可以确保你的复习是充分而有针对性的;
• 考官报告(Examiner’s report):可以帮助大家了解同学在历年考试答题中容易出现的错误以及如何规避掉这些错误;
• 技术性文章 (Technical article) :对重要而并有挑战性的知识点进行梳理和解析。
Sunway TES Introduction
Sunway TES was incorporated in 1994 as a subsidiary of Sunway College. Since its humble beginnings, Sunway TES has become a leader in the education industry providing internationally well-known professional accounting programmes, e.g CAT/ACCA, CFAB/ICAEW, CPA, CIA and CFA. Sunway TES has been designated as ‘Sunway TES Centre for Accountancy Excellence’ officially under the EPP 17 by Pemandu, to transform Malaysia into a leading regional accountancy hub in the Asia Pacific region.
Lecturers’ Profile
Mr. Dinesh Ramadas, MBA
P3 Business Analysis
Mr Dinesh has over 25 years of lecturing experience. Since 1992, he has been lecturing in the subjects of Information Analysis, Information Systems and Business Information Management to accounting students. He has also been lecturing papers on Management subjects since 1999. He also provides guidance and mentoring to students undertaking project research for the BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting, offered by Oxford Brookes University, UK.
Under his tutelage, his students have won 1 World and 8 Malaysian Prize Awards.