




Updated 15 Jun 2020

Due to the ongoing impact of Covid-19, we’ve made the decision to reschedule June exams for July in the following areas:

  • Mainland China
  • Hong Kong SAR
  • Macau SAR
  • Taiwan region
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Vietnam

In addition, we’re able to offer a July paper exam session in the following African countries:

  • Eritrea
  • Eswatini (also known as Swaziland)
  • The Gambia
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Seychelles
  • Sierra Leone
  • Somalia

We’ve made this move in areas where we have confidence - at this time - that the stage of the pandemic, the government advice available to us, and health and safety considerations mean exams can take place. We’ll continue to monitor the situation very closely with health and safety being our key priority.

While we are still working through some of the detail, we hope the following FAQs will provide you with the information you need at this stage. We will continue to update these as we work through the detailed planning of this change.

1.  What markets/regions will now offer a July exam session as a one-off arrangement?

  • Mainland China
  • Hong Kong SAR
  • Macau SAR
  • Taiwan region
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Vietnam

Only paper exam sessions will be held in the following areas:

  • Eritrea
  • Eswatini (also known as Swaziland)
  • The Gambia
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Seychelles
  • Sierra Leone
  • Somalia

2. What is the date of the new session in July?

In Mainland China exams will take place in a 2-week period, starting Monday 6 July. This will give us the best opportunity to provide an exam sitting for those students wishing to sit.

In other markets/regions they will take place over 1 week, again starting Monday 6 July.

3. What is the new timetable for July exams?

In Mainland China, the Strategic Professional paper exams are scheduled for the first week (6-10 July), whilst the Applied Skills CBE exams are scheduled across both weeks (6-17 July). Students will be allocated an exam session which allows us to minimise change and optimise capacity, whilst also allowing us to follow any social distancing rules which may be in place.

In other markets/regions, all exams will be held between 6-10 July. The July exam timetables can be found by clicking here.

4. In Mainland China, given the Applied Skills CBE exams are due to be held across a 2-week period, will the week 2 students have any advantage if the exams have been sat in the week before?

Due to the way in which we provide content for our exams, there will be no advantages to students sitting in week 2 ensuring our exam security and integrity will be maintained.

5. When will exam booking details, including the date and location of my exam, be published?

Following the completion of the transferring of June entry to July, your exam booking information is now available to view on the exam planner.

6. Once the exam booking details are published on exam planner, can I request a change?

We have worked extremely hard to provide a July exam session to students as a one-off arrangement in these unique circumstances and encourage all students to sit their exam under their original booking details where possible.

If students find out they are unable to attend the exam once their exam details are confirmed and would like to request a change to their booking, please send a message by going here contact us by Friday 19 June to request to be considered for a change.

We’ll then try to accommodate your transfer request although there are no guarantees this will be possible. We will contact you to advise any action that has been taken.

7. If I request a transfer, will ACCA definitely be able to accommodate my request?

We are unable to provide any guarantee that transfer requests will be met. All transfer requests should be submitted by Friday 19 June as we will not be considering requests beyond this date.

We have worked extremely hard to provide a July exam session to students as a one-off arrangement in these unique circumstances and encourage all students to sit their exam under their original booking details where possible.

8. If I am already booked into the June session to sit an exam in one of the above listed markets/regions, will I be automatically booked into the July session or do I have to change the booking myself?

If you already have a June exam booking in one of the available areas, this booking will be transferred to the July session by ACCA. No changes or further payments are required from students, but students should allow time for this change to be done. Details will be available on exam planner from early June.

9. What if I only find out the new July date clashes with my university final exam when the exact booking details are made available on the planner?

Once we have confirmed your date, time and location of exam, if you find out you are unable to attend due to your university final exam then please contact us to request a withdrawal. We'll assess your withdrawal request and withdraw your entry internally, then provide you with an exam fee credit so you can rebook for September.

Please note that all withdrawal requests must be supported by a completed personal statement as supporting document.

10. Will I receive an exam fee credit if I find out my ACCA exam date clashes with my university final exam, given I will not be able to withdraw my entry myself?

Yes, a credit will be issued in this circumstance if students provide a personal statement as supporting document.

11. Is there an exam withdrawal deadline regarding a clash with the university final exam?

Yes, all withdrawal requests should be submitted by Friday 19 June with a personal statement as supporting document.

12. When will the July exam attendance dockets be available?

Exam dockets have been made available from Friday 12 June. If you have a July exam booking you can download your docket here:

https://www.accaglobal.com/uk/en/student/exam-entry-and-administration/exam- attendance-docket.html

13. I would prefer to defer my entry until September rather than take exams in July. Can I change my booking?

Students were initially able to cancel their bookings on exam planner until the extended standard entry deadline of 4 May. If you would like to withdraw an exam entry after this date, please send please contact us with supporting evidence. We will then assess your withdrawal request and issue an exam fee credit if it is approved, which can be used to enter for September.


For Mainland China students only, please complete the personal statement as supporting document . It will then be assessed by the exams team and a credit will be issued if it is approved by going here contact us.

14. Will I be sitting my exam in the same exam centre and location that I had booked for June?

We aim to book students into exam centres and location they have chosen at the point of booking but are unable to guarantee this. Please check your exam planner or docket for these details.

15. When will results be released for the July exam session?

July results release will begin at 0001hrs (UK time) on Saturday 1 August.

16. What syllabus will be tested in July?

The exams being rescheduled for July will use the June 2020 syllabus. More information on the syllabus of each individual exam can be found by clicking here.

17. Will the September 2020 exam entry deadline be extended for July session students to allow time to receive their July results and consider an entry into the next session?

Yes, the standard entry deadline for students in July markets/regions will be extended until 10 August to provide July sitters with the opportunity of entering at the standard exam entry rate after they receive their results on 1 August. There will be no late entry window for these markets/regions.

September 2020 exam entry deadlines for students resident in non-July markets/regions remain unchanged – standard deadline is 27 July and late deadline is 3 August.

18. The exam session in my country has already been cancelled. Will ACCA reconsider this cancellation and have a July session in my country too?

We have made the decision for these markets/regions to be able to hold exams in July based on the stage of the pandemic, the government advice available to us, and health and safety considerations. Using these same parameters we are unable to make the same arrangements for areas that have already been cancelled and this cancellation decision remains final.

19. How does the recent session deferral announcement regarding ACCA’s variant/niche exams affect me?

Where June exams have been cancelled we will postpone select Foundations in Accountancy and ACCA Qualification variant exams normally offered in June/December only (2 sessions per year), to allow the exam content to be used at a future exam session.

These exams will now be offered at the September 2020 exam session using the planned June 2020 syllabus so the majority of students will not need to wait until the December sitting. Additionally, the FAU, FFM, all DipIFR, Russian Language and TRS exams that have been cancelled for the June session will also be offered in September 2020 using the June 2020 syllabus.

For further information on variant/niche exams being offered in September 2020 as a one-off arrangement, please click here.

20. Will remote invigilation be available as an option for students to sit exams in the July session?

No. We are initially testing remote invigilation for on-demand CBE exams in June, with the view of using this as a contingency option in session-based CBE exams at the September exam session.

For more information on remote invigilation please click here.

21. Where can I go for further information?

 For students in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan, please contact us.

For students in Mainland China, please call us at 4008333338 or please contact us.

For all other students, please contact us.





  • 中国内地
  • 香港特别行政区
  • 澳门特别行政区
  • 台湾地区
  • 日本
  • 韩国
  • 越南


  • 厄立特里亚
  • 斯威士兰
  • 冈比亚
  • 莱索托
  • 利比里亚
  • 塞舌尔
  • 塞拉利昂
  • 索马里



1. 哪些国家和地区将会对7月份的考试提供一次性安排?

  • 中国内地
  • 香港特别行政区
  • 澳门特别行政区
  • 台湾地区
  • 日本
  • 韩国
  • 越南


  • 厄立特里亚
  • 斯威士兰
  • 冈比亚
  • 莱索托
  • 利比里亚
  • 塞舌尔
  • 塞拉利昂
  • 索马里

2. 在7月份新的考试日期是几号?



3. 7月份考试的新时间表是怎样的?




4. 在中国内地,应用技能机考考试是为期两周进行的,第一周考试结束后,安排在第二周的学员是否有什么优势?


5. 7月份考试的具体信息在什么时候公布出来,包括考试日期和地点?

6月转到7月考季的转换工作已完成,目前您的考试信息可在Exam Planner上查看。

6. 一旦考试详情更新在Exam Planner上,我可以申请更改考试吗?




7. 如果我申请更改考试,ACCA是否一定能满足我的要求?



8. 我已在上述国家和地区之一报考参加6月份的考试。我将会被自动转到7月份的考试,还是我必须自己手动更改?

如果您已经在上述国家和地区之一报考了6月份的考试,ACCA会通过后台将您的6月份考试直接转到7月份,学员自己不需要做任何操作或额外付款。ACCA需要一些时间做出调整和安排,目前考试细节已更新在Exam Planner上,感谢您的耐心和理解。

9. 如果7月份考试的具体信息更新在Exam Planner后,我才发现七月考试日期与我的大学考试撞期,那怎么办?



10. 如果我发现ACCA考试日期与我的学校考试撞期,而我已经不能自行取消考试了,那么我是否可以申请退考和退款?

可以。如学员提供个人申明为申请退考的依据,相关考试费用将退还至您的My ACCA账户。

11. 关于与学校考试撞期的退考申请是否有一个截止日期?


12. 7月份考试的准考证什么时候可以查看?



13. 我想推迟到9月份参加考试,不想参加7月份的考试。我可以更改报名吗?

您可以在延长的标准报考截止日期(5月4日午夜前)在Exam Planner上取消您的报考信息,然后重新报考下一考季的考试。如果您在5月4日之后需要取消考试,请与我们联系并附证明文件。英国总部会评估您的申请,通过后相关考试费用将退还至您的My ACCA账户,这样您可以报考9月份的考试。


14. 我会被安排在报考6月份考试的同一个城市参加考试吗?

我们会尽最大努力为学员安排与报考6月考试时选择的同一城市,但无法确保此安排。您可以在Exam  Planner 或准考证上查看7月考试信息。

15. 7月份的考试结果什么时候公布?


16. 7月份考试的考纲是怎样的?



17. 对于参加7月考季的学员,2020年9月份考试的报名截止日期是否会延迟,让学员有时间收到7月考试的成绩,并考虑参加下一考季的考试?



18. 在我的国家和地区6月份的考试被取消了,ACCA是否会重新考虑在该国家和地区也进行7月份的考试?


19. 最近关于ACCA的具有不同版本的考试(variant/niche exams)也有延期的通知,这个对我有什么影响?

如果6月份考试已被取消,我们将推迟只在6月或 12月进行的考试(Foundations in Accountancy和ACCA Qualification variant/niche exam)(通常每年只有2季),以便在未来的考试中使用考试内容。


如果想了解关于2020年9月variant/niche 考试作为一次特殊安排的详情,请点击这里

20. 远程监考是否将会作为学员参加7月份考试的一种选择?



21. 如果我有进一步询问怎么办?








