




P1 是典型的理论型科目,学习起来比较枯燥,中国考生的合格率明显低于全球。67日(周三)P1就要开考了,小伙伴们准备好了吗?


此次ACCA特邀白金级别认可培训机构Sunway的资深讲师Goh Hong Lim先生,为大家做14小时的考前冲刺,全程中文授课。深度解析历年考题,帮你梳理考试重点!谁听谁知道!TA又是何许人也呢?

Ÿ   TA的学生分别获得20163月和6月考季P1全球第一

Ÿ   TA曾经受邀参加ACCA讲师培训课程对中国的P1讲师进行培训








Session 1 - https://v.qq.com/x/page/x05087qs168.html

Session 2 - https://v.qq.com/x/page/j0508qfthc6.html

Session 3 - https://v.qq.com/x/page/e0508uvoktu.html

Session 4 - https://v.qq.com/x/page/l05091mfx5a.html

Session 5 - https://v.qq.com/x/page/e050880jvsu.html

Session 6 - https://v.qq.com/x/page/s0508cyrvk4.html

Session 7 - https://v.qq.com/x/page/r0509yoxtp1.html

Session 8 - https://v.qq.com/x/page/e0509uo5odx.html



Ÿ   考试大纲和学习指南(Syllabus and study guide):可以确保你的复习是充分而有针对性的

Ÿ   考官报告(Examiners report):可以帮助大家了解同学在历年考试答题中容易出现的错误以及如何规避掉这些错误

Ÿ   历年真题(Past exam paper: 有助于考生熟悉考试时可能遇到的题型,在考前练习可以帮助学员获得真实的考试体验

Ÿ   技术性文章 (Technical article) :对重要而并有挑战性的知识点进行梳理和解析。


目前距离“战略商业领袖”(Strategic Business Leader SBL”)科目正式上线,你仅有5次考试的机会。点击了解SBL更多细节还等什么,大家快点练起来吧!


Sunway TES  Introduction

Sunway TES was incorporated in 1994 as a subsidiary of Sunway College. Since its humble beginnings, Sunway TES has become a leader in the education industry providing internationally well-known professional accounting programmes, e.g CAT/ACCA, CFAB/ICAEW, CPA, CIA and CFA.  Sunway TES has been designated as ‘Sunway TES Centre for Accountancy Excellence’ officially under the EPP 17 by Pemandu, to transform Malaysia into a leading regional accountancy hub in the Asia Pacific region.

Lecturers’ Profile

Goh Hong Lim, FCCA

P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics


Mr Goh began his career as an external auditor for a medium sized public accounting firm in Singapore. Upon returning to Malaysia in 1994, he served as the Group Internal Auditor for three public listed companies. His most recent past appointment was as the Executive Director of an internationally affiliated accounting firm in-charged of corporate governance, risk management and internal audit.

He has more than 20 years of lecturing experience specializing in audit and governance related subjects. Goh was also one of the pioneer trainers in a ‘Train the trainers’ Programme, jointly organized by Sunway and ACCA Shanghai in August 2006 to enhance the China lecturers’ teaching. Under his tutelage, his students have won numerous World and Malaysia Prize Awards. The most recent achievements being the World Prize for Paper P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics in the March’2016 and June’2016 exam sittings.

