此项研究围绕如何为内部举报人建立有效沟通机制进行,报告对研究发现进行了总结,并提出了有关建议。报告由格林威治大学组织行为学首席讲师Wim Vandekerckhove 博士主持,同时包含了来自其他同事的讨论。
On 10 May 2016 we publised the hotly anticipated report, Effective speak-up arrangements for whistle-blowers. Launched at a breafast event at our London offices, Dr Wim Vandekerckhove, Principal Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour at the University of Greenwich opened the proceedings with an overview of the the findings plus recommendations for implementing effective whistle-blowing arrangements within organisations. This was followed by a panel discussion with questions coming from the floor and from colleagues joining via Webex.