中文 |
英文 |
办公自动化 |
Office Automation |
保险会计 |
Insurance Accounting |
保险学 |
Insurance |
比较管理学 |
Comparative Management |
比较审计学 |
Comparative Auditing |
毕业实习 |
Graduation Practice |
财务报表分析 |
Financial Statements Analysis |
财务报告环境 |
Financial Reporting Environment |
财务分析 |
Financial Analysis |
财务风险控制 |
Management of Financial Risks |
财务管理 |
Financial Management |
财务会计 |
Financial Accounting |
财务造假对策 |
Countermeasure for Financial Fraudulence |
财政概论 |
Introduction to Fiscal Science |
财政学 |
Fiscal Science |
财政与信贷 |
Finance and Credit |
成本会计 |
Cost Accounting |
程序设计语言 |
Programme Design Language |
促销与广告 |
Promotion and Advertising |
大学生活导论 |
Guidance of Campus Life |
大学英语 |
College English |
大学语文 |
College Chinese |
当代国际经济 |
Contemporary World Economy |
道德教育 |
Moral Education |
邓小平理论 |
Introduction to Deng Xiaoping's Theory |
电影美学 |
Aesthetics of Cinema |
独立审计 |
Independent Auditing |
对外贸易保险 |
Foreign Trade Insurance |
对外贸易运输 |
Foreign Trade Transportation |
发展经济学 |
Development Economics |
法律 |
Law |
法律基础 |
Basics of Law |
法学概论 |
Introduction to Law |
法学基础 |
Fundamentals of Law Science |
房地产投资与金融 |
Real Estate Investment & Finance |
风险管理 |
Risk Management |
概率论 |
Mathematics - probability |
概率论与数理统计 |
Probability & Mathematical Statistics |
高等数学 |
Advanced Mathematics |
高级财务会计 |
Advanced Financial Accounting |
高级会计 |
Advanced Accounting |
高级英语技能 |
Advanced English |
高级英语阅读 |
Advanced English Reading |
高级语言程序设计 |
Advanced Language Programme Design |
工程经济学与管理会计 |
Engineering conomics nd anagement ccounting |
工程造价管理 |
Project Pricing Management |
工程制图 |
Engineering Drawing |
工业会计 |
Industrial Accounting |
工业企业管理 |
Industrial Business Management |
工业企业经济活动分析 |
Analysis of Industrial Business Activities |
工业行业技术评估概论 |
Introduction to Industrial Technical Evaluation |
公共关系 |
Public Relations |
公共金融学 |
Public Finance |
公关礼仪 |
Etiquette for Public Relations |
公司财务 |
Corporate Finance |
公司法 |
Corporate Law |
公司理财 |
Corporate Finance |
古代诗词曲赋选讲 |
Selections of Ancient Poems |
古代文学作品赏析 |
Analytical Application of Ancient Literary Works |
古汉语 |
Ancient Chinese |
股份经济学 |
Stock Economics |
管理沟通 |
Managerial Communication |
管理会计 |
Management Accounting |
管理经济学 |
Managerial Economics |
管理伦理学 |
Business Ethics |
管理心理学 |
Management Psychology |
管理信息 |
Management Information |
管理信息系统 |
Management information system |
管理学 |
Management |
管理学原理 |
Principle of Management |
管理战略 |
Management Strategy |
管理咨询 |
Business Consulting |
国际工商管理 |
International Business Management |
国际关系与政治 |
International Relationship and Politics |
国际会计 |
International Accounting |
国际货物买卖合同 |
Contract of International Goods Sales |
国际技术贸易 |
International Technology Trade |
国际结算 |
International Settlement |
国际金融 |
International Finance |
国际金融市场 |
International Financial Market |
国际经济合作概论 |
International Economic Cooperation |
国际经济合作原理 |
Principles of International Economic Cooperation |
国际经济组织 |
International Economic Organizations |
国际经营管理 |
International Business Management |
国际贸易 |
International Trade |
国际贸易实务 |
International Trade Practices |
国际企业管理 |
International Business Management |
国际商法 |
International Business Law |
国际税务 |
International Taxation |
国际信贷 |
International Credit |
国际信贷与结算 |
International Credit and Settlement |
国际营销学 |
International Marketing |
国际招标与投标 |
International Tendering |
国家公务员制度介绍 |
Introduction to Civil Servant System |
国民经济管理学 |
Management of National Economy |
国民经济核算 |
National Economic Accounting |
国外统计资料分析 |
Analysis of Foreign Statistical Data |
国有资产管理 |
State-owned Property Management |
航空概论 |
Introduction to Aviation |
合资企业会计 |
Accounting for Joint Venture Business |
宏观经济学 |
Macroeconomics |
宏微观经济学 |
Macro-economics & Micro-conomics |
会计电算化 |
Computerised Accounting |
会计概论 |
Introduction to Accounting |
会计理论 |
Accounting Theory |
会计审计实践 |
Accounting and Auditing Practices |
会计史 |
History of Accounting |
会计体系设计 |
Design of Accounting System |
会计学 |
Accounting |
会计原理 |
Principles of Accounting |
会计制度设计 |
Design of Accounting System |
会计专题 |
Special Topics on Accounting |
会计专业英语 |
Accounting English |
货币银行学 |
Money & Banking |
机械概论 |
Introduction to Machinery |
机械制图 |
Mechanical Drawing |
基建会计 |
Accounting for Capital Construction |
计量经济学 |
Econometrics |
计算机科学 |
Computer Science |
计算机网络 |
Computer Network |
计算机应用基础 |
Foundations of Computer Application |
计算机应用技术 |
Computer Application Technology |
计算机语言 |
Computer Language |
计算机运用 |
Computer Application |
计算机在财政中的应用 |
Application of Computer in Finance |
计算技术 |
Computing Technology |
技术创新 |
Technological Innovation |
技术经济 |
Technological Economics |
价格学 |
Pricing |
建筑财务和审计 |
Accounting & Auditing for Construction Business |
建筑工程概论 |
Introduction to Constructive Projects |
建筑项目预算 |
Constructive Project Budgeting |
金工实习 |
Smithcraft Practice |
金融管理软件 |
Financial Management Software |
金融市场 |
Financial Market |
金融市场与投资 |
Financial Market and Investment |
金融学 |
Finance |
金融战略 |
Financial Strategy |
进出口业务 |
Import and Export Practices |
经济地理 |
Economic Geography |
经济法概论 |
Economic Law |
经济数学基础 |
Basics of Economic Mathematics |
经济文献检索 |
Economic Document Searching |
经济文写作 |
Economic Article Writing |
经济效益审计 |
Profit Auditing |
经济学 — 利率 |
Economics - Interest Rate |
经济学数学模型设计 |
Mathematical Model Design in Economics |
经济应用数学 |
Applied Economic Mathematics |
经济专业英语 |
English for Economists |
经贸科研论文与写作 |
Research Project on Economics & Trade |
经营管理学 |
Operation Management |
决策理论 |
Theory of Decision Making |
决策与控制信息 |
Information for Control and Decision-making |
军事理论 |
Military Theory |
科技概论 |
Introduction to Science & Technology |
科技预测 |
Scientific Forecasting |
科学方法论 |
Methodology of Scientific Research |
科学技术史 |
History of Science & Technology |
科学社会主义理论与实践 |
Theory and Practice of Scientific Socialism |
科学世界观与方法论 |
Scientific Ideology and Methodology |
跨国公司财务管理 |
MNC Financial Management |
跨国公司管理 |
Management of Multinational Company |
跨国公司金融 |
Finance of Multinational Company |
离散数学 |
Discrete Mathematics |
伦理学 |
Ethics |
逻辑学 |
Logic |
马克思经典著作选读 |
Selection of Marxist Works |
马克思经济学 |
Marxist Economics |
马克思主义原理 |
Principles of Marxism |
毛泽东思想 |
Introduction to Mao Zedong's Thoughts |
美学原理 |
Principles of Aesthetics |
内控研究 |
Internal Control Study |
农村金融学 |
Agricultural Finance |
欧洲古典音乐 |
European Classic Music |
期货交易 |
Trade of Futures |
期货市场 |
Futures Market |
企业财务审计 |
Business Financial Auditing |
企业管理 |
Business Management |
企业战略管理 |
Strategic Management |
人工智能 |
Artificial Intelligence |
人力资源管理 |
Human Resource Management |
人生哲学 |
Life philosophy |
商法 |
Business Law |
商务写作 |
Business Writing |
商务英语 |
Business English |
商业会计 |
Commercial Accounting |
社会保障 |
Social Security |
社会调查 |
Social Survey |
社会审计 |
Social Auditing |
社会心理学 |
Social Psychology |
社会学 |
Sociology |
涉外保险 |
Foreign Insurance |
摄影技术与实践 |
Photography |
审计 |
Auditing |
审计抽样 |
Auditing Sampling |
审计电算化 |
Computerised Auditing |
审计概论 |
Introduction to Auditing |
审计管理 |
Auditing Management |
审计技术方法 |
Auditing Techniques |
审计原理 |
Principles of Auditing |
审计专题 |
Special Topics on Auditing |
生态学概论 |
Introduction to Ecology |
时事政治学习 |
Current Political Study |
实用统计学 |
Applied Statistics |
世界近代史 |
Modern World History |
世界经济概论 |
Introduction to World Economy |
世界经贸地理 |
World Geography for Economics and Trade |
世界市场行情 |
World Market Survey |
世界政治经济与国际关系 |
World Politics, Economy and International Relations |
市场营销 |
Marketing |
书法概论 |
Introduction to Calligraphy |
数据结构 |
Database Structure |
数据库管理 |
Database Management |
数据库及其应用 |
Database and Applications |
数据模型与决策 |
Digital Models and Decision-making |
数理统计 |
Mathematical Statistics |
税法 |
Taxation Law |
税收学 |
Taxation |
税务概论 |
Introduction to Taxation |
税务计划 |
Tax Planning |
思想道德修养 |
Ideological & Moral Cultivation |
唐宋诗词 |
Poetry of Tang and Song Dynasties |
体育 |
Physical Education |
听力技巧 |
Skills in English Listening Comprehension |
统计学原理 |
Principles of Statistics |
投入产出与分析 |
Input & Output Analysis |
投资会计 |
Investment Accounting |
投资金融管理电算化 |
Computerized Investment Financial Management |
投资项目经济分析 |
Economic Analysis of Investment Projects |
投资项目评估 |
Assessment on Investment Projects |
投资项目评估学 |
Investment Project Evaluation |
投资信息概论 |
Introduction to Investment Information |
投资信用学 |
Investment Credit |
投资学 |
Investment |
外币交易会计 |
Accounting for Transactions in Foreign Currency |
外国经济地理 |
Economic Geography of Foreign Countries |
外国经济史 |
History of Foreign Economies |
外国文学 |
Foreign Literature |
外汇风险管理 |
Foreign Exchange Risk Management |
外贸函电 |
Business Correspondence for Foreign Trade |
外贸会计 |
Foreign Trade Accounting |
外贸口语 |
Oral English for Foreign Trade |
外贸实务 |
Foreign Trade Practices |
外贸应用文 |
Practical Writing of Foreign Trade |
外资公司会计 |
Accounting of Foreign Funded business |
微观经济学 |
Microeconomics |
微机操作 |
Computer Operating |
微积分 |
Calculus |
卫生学 |
Hygienics |
文学概论 |
Introduction to Literature |
文学与人生 |
Literature and Life |
无形资产 |
Intangible Assets |
物流运输计划管理 |
Logistics Planning & management |
西方财务会计 |
Western Financial Accounting |
西方财政学 |
Western Fiscal Science |
西方经济学 |
Western Economics |
系统工程 |
System Engineering |
现代公司财务与投资管理 |
Modern Corporation Finance & Investment Management |
现代国际政治与经济 |
Contemporary International Politics and Economics |
现代企业管理 |
Modern Business Management |
现代投资学 |
Modern Investment |
线性代数 |
Linear Algebra |
项目评估 |
Project Evaluation |
项目评估案例与程序设计 |
Project Evaluation Cases and Programme Design |
消费者行为 |
Consumer Behaviour |
心理学 |
Psychology |
信托租赁实务 |
Trust & Lease Practices |
信息分析 |
Information Analysis |
信息技术与新组织 |
Information Technology and New Organisations |
行为科学 |
Behaviour Science |
行政管理 |
Administrative Management |
形式逻辑 |
Formal Logic |
形势与政策 |
Current Situation and Policy |
医学卫生保健 |
Health Care |
医学卫生保健 |
Health Care |
音乐欣赏 |
Music Appreciation |
银行管理学 |
Bank Management |
银行会计学 |
Bank Accounting |
银行经营管理 |
Bank Operation Management |
银行学 |
Banking |
应用统计 |
Applied Statistics |
应用文写作 |
Applied Writing |
英文打字 |
English Typewriting |
英语翻译 |
English Translation |
英语泛读 |
English Extensive Reading |
英语经贸文章选读 |
Selected English Readings of Economic and Trade Literature |
英语精读 |
English Intensive Reading |
英语口语 |
Oral English |
英语视听说 |
English Audio, Video and Oral Training |
英语阅读 |
English Reading |
营销管理 |
Marketing Management |
营运管理 |
Operation Management |
预算会计 |
Budget Accounting |
预算与决策技术 |
Budget and Decision-making Technology |
运筹学 |
Operations Research |
运输统计学 |
Transportation Statistics |
战略管理 |
Strategic Management |
哲学 |
Philosophy |
证券公司会计 |
Security Company Accounting |
证券经营实务 |
Security Operation Practices |
证券投资 |
Security Investment |
证券与投资 |
Security & Investment |
政府审计 |
Government Auditing |
政府预算 |
Government Budgeting |
政治经济学 |
Political Economics |
知识产权 |
Intellectual Property |
职业道德伦理 |
Professional Ethics |
中共党史 |
History of the Communist Party of China |
中国财政思想史 |
History of Chinese Financial Thoughts |
中国对外经贸政策与投资环境 |
Chinese Foreign Trade Policy and Investment Environment |
中国对外贸易史 |
History of Chinese Foreign Trade |
中国革命史 |
Chinese Revolutionary History |
中国会计与审计 |
Chinese Accounting and Auditing |
中国近代经济史 |
Chinese Modern Economic History |
中国近代史 |
Modern Chinese History |
中国通史 |
General History of China |
中国外贸概论 |
Introduction to Chinese Foreign Trade |
中国文学 |
Chinese Literature |
中国现行税制 |
Current Chinese Taxation Systems |
中级会计 |
Intermediate Accounting |
中外合资企业会计 |
Sino-foreign Joint Venture Accounting |
专利法 |
Patent Law |
资本主义企业财务会计 |
Financial Accounting for Capitalist Business |
资产评估 |
Asset Appraisal |
资刊选读 |
Selected Reading from Foreign Magazines |
自然科学概论 |
Introduction to Natural Sciences |
组织行为学 |
Organisational Behaviour |